2009-06-26 00:02:31 UTC
C++/VC/ATL/STL Collection has been significantly improved and
New chapters and articles added. ATL/STL code examples chapters
contain increased precision articles with significant enough amount
of code only.
Programmer's Goldmine collections contain precisely
selected articles on any topic related to Java C++, MFC, VC,
ATL, STL, IDE, tools and methods, design patterns, etc.
Collections go back several years and typically contain between
30,000 and 70,000 articles per collection.
Collections are organized by chapters, just like a book.
Each chapter contains between 100 and 1500 articles on any
apect of language, tools, techniques, etc.
* Increased precision
Furhter increase in precision especially in code
example chapters assures nearly 100% guarantee of
finding the code examples on subjects covered by
corresponding chapter.
* Expandable article headers
Article headers are hidden on initial view and can
be viewed by using the Header button on navbar.
* Further improvement in article formatting
Article formatter was polished to provide ideal
article look regardless of how poorly the original
article was formatted.
* New chapters added
Several new chapters added to each collection.
* New articles added
New articles since the last publication were added
as of June 10 20009.
Current list of Goldmine collections:
C++ Goldmine
MFC/VC/ATL Goldmine
Java Goldmine
New chapters and articles added. ATL/STL code examples chapters
contain increased precision articles with significant enough amount
of code only.
Programmer's Goldmine collections contain precisely
selected articles on any topic related to Java C++, MFC, VC,
ATL, STL, IDE, tools and methods, design patterns, etc.
Collections go back several years and typically contain between
30,000 and 70,000 articles per collection.
Collections are organized by chapters, just like a book.
Each chapter contains between 100 and 1500 articles on any
apect of language, tools, techniques, etc.
* Increased precision
Furhter increase in precision especially in code
example chapters assures nearly 100% guarantee of
finding the code examples on subjects covered by
corresponding chapter.
* Expandable article headers
Article headers are hidden on initial view and can
be viewed by using the Header button on navbar.
* Further improvement in article formatting
Article formatter was polished to provide ideal
article look regardless of how poorly the original
article was formatted.
* New chapters added
Several new chapters added to each collection.
* New articles added
New articles since the last publication were added
as of June 10 20009.
Current list of Goldmine collections:
C++ Goldmine
MFC/VC/ATL Goldmine
Java Goldmine